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Posts by category
- Feedback to candidates following a summative exam: Principles for colleges and faculties
- A Code of Practice for the diagnosis and confirmation of death: 2025 Update
- A lay summary of the Code of Practice for the diagnosis and confirmation of death
- ARDC: 2024 engagement overview
- Academy statement: DHSC announce independent review of physician and anaesthesia associates
- Academy position statement: Tobacco and vapes
- The future is out there: joining up health and care for the benefit of all
- Academy Letter: PAs and AAs - The Academy's call for a review
- Who we are: SAS doctors and dentists
- ARDC: Utilisation of modern technologies in post-graduate medical education and curricula
- ARDC: Recruitment and recognised achievements in medicine
- ARDC: Standardising our approach to self-development time
- Academy letter: PAs and AAs
- Medical appraisal 2022 outputs template (incorporating GMP 2024)
- Academy response: The Darzi review
- Academy statement: Clinical trials and travel insurance (2024 update)
- General principles for workforce modelling
- Retention and flexibility principles for senior doctors
- Academy statement: Implementation of the Cass Review
- Academy reaffirms commitment to transparency in relationships with industry
- 2024 General Election: Our expectations of the next Government
- Academy statement: Infected blood Inquiry
- Sustainability resources
- The added value of the senior doctor in the multi-professional team
- Academy statement: Tobacco and Vapes Bill
- Academy consensus statement: High level principles concerning physician associates (PAs)
- ATDG REFORM principles: Six simple ways to retain doctors in training in the health service
- ATDC REFORM principles: Summary
- ATDG statement: Physician and anaesthesia associates in healthcare
- Strengthening the SAS workforce
- ATDG response: 'Breaking the Silence' and 'Surviving healthcare' reports. It's not just surgery…
- Principles for nullifying exam attempts and the provision of additional exam attempts
- Academy letter to GMC: Medical Associate Professionals
- Academy policy priorities 2023
- Privacy notice for the collection of personal data: Learning hub
- Principles for exam preparation, feedback and support for candidates to address the awarding gap
- ATDG: Self-Development Time – exploring the benefits and logistics of implementation
- Securing our healthy future -Prevention is better than cure
- Choosing Wisely patient poster
- Academy statement: Adult social care
- SAS doctors as recognised trainers
- Assuring the credibility of health information sources on social media platforms
- ATDG response: NHS at 75, have your say
- ATDG: The cost of medical postgraduate training examinations
- Academy appoints new clinical trustees
- Assessing quality improvement competencies Annual Review of Competence Progression Guidance
- Junior Doctors’ Industrial Action across the UK - Academy statement
- ATDG: Implementation of changes to specialty recruitment and selection processes
- Core principles for Continuing Professional Development – 2023 Update
- General practice and secondary care – Working better together
- Junior doctors' industrial action - Academy Council statement update
- Supporting the NHS model
- Alastair Henderson has left the building…
- Academy statement: Planned industrial action
- Academy of Medical Royal Colleges elects new Chair
- Healthcare professionals: Step up to disclosure
- Academy statement: Industrial action
- 12 principles for running online and remote exams more inclusively
- Flexible working in medicine flow diagram
- Medical Leaders Professional Forum - Meeting notes
- ATDG: Junior doctors industrial action statement
- Medical Leaders Professional Forum - Terms of reference
- Eligibility criteria for college examiners
- Academy statement: Banning conversion therapy
- Academy and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society agree Statement of Strategic Intent
- Increasing UK medical student numbers: considerations for implementation
- How to fix the NHS – A summary of 2022 party conference events
- Academy Wales Minutes
- Policy Manager (Workforce)
- The Medical Training Initiative – much more than learn, earn and return
- Statement on the initial antimicrobial treatment of sepsis V2.0
- Alerts notification imaging reports – Recommendations
- Academy Wales Minutes
- Fixing the NHS: Why we must stop normalising the unacceptable
- Best practice for Specialty Advisory Committees
- Queen Elizabeth II
- Principles to guide College statements on humanitarian emergencies
- Election of Academy Vice-Chairs
- Equality and diversity survey of Academy committee members
- Four Nation Strategy for Pain Management - Faculty of Pain Management
- Academy Wales Minutes
- Shaping a vision for 2040 – The Changing Face of Medicine
- Supports QA
- Personal Development Plan template
- Medical Appraisal Template 2022
- Medical Appraisal Guide 2022. A guide to professional medical appraisal
- Patient safety syllabus
- Academy complaints policy
- ATDG response: Health and Social Care Committee expert panel: workforce progress
- Devolved administrations letter: Appropriate release of medical colleagues for the purposes for carrying out work for the wider health system
- The principles and attributes of ensuring the credibility of health information in social media
- Joint letter: Appropriate release of medical colleagues for the purposes for carrying out work for the wider health system
- Academic dishonesty. Additional guidance for online examinations
- Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders: Guidance on Recognition and Management - RCPsych
- ATDG response: Health and Social Care Committee expert panel: workforce progress
- SAS as educators should be the norm rather than the exception
- SAS workforce and mentorship
- Academy response: DHSC white paper on Health and Social Care Integration
- Academy statement: Telemedicine and early termination of pregnancy
- A framework of operating principles for managing invited reviews within healthcare
- Academy statement: Global Vaccine Equity
- Academy Wales Minutes
- Academy appoints new Chair of Trustees – Press notice
- Academy statement: Ukraine
- Engaging and empowering the SAS workforce
- Academy and GMC statement: Doctors’ vaccination
- Academy statement: COVID-19 vaccination for NHS staff
- Academy response: Workforce: recruitment, training and retention in health and social care Inquiry
- ATDG response: Workforce: recruitment, training and retention in health and social care Inquiry
- ATDG statement: COVID pressures and trainee doctors
- Academy statement: The Omicron variant
- A dozen things the NHS could do tomorrow to help the medical workforce crisis
- Academy response: The independent review of the gender pay gap in medicine
- Academy statement: The abuse of Uyghurs in China
- SAS – A viable career choice
- Academy statement: The merger of HEE, NHSX and NHSD into NHS England/Improvement
- Genomics Generic syllabus
- Principles for improving multi-professional team-working in light of the experiences of COVID-19
- Multi-professional team-working: The experience and lessons from COVID-19
- Medical Schools Council and Academy statement: The expansion of medical student numbers
- Flexible Careers Committee: Top tips for flexible working
- Joint Statement: Abuse of health and care staff
- Learning from COVID-19: Reflections of medical leaders interview
- Joint statement: Continued derogations in medical education and training
- Academy response: HEE Strategic Framework Call for Evidence 2021
- Academy response: Vaccination of 12-15 year olds
- Curriculum for Broad Based Training Programme 2021
- Supporting appraisal for the SAS workforce
- Academy statement: Mandatory Vaccination of NHS Staff
- Academy statement: The COVID-19 pandemic is not over and it will not be over on 19 July
- Chair's comment: Health and Care Bill
- Academy letter: GP-DPR recommendations
- Academy submission: Reforming National Clinical Excellence Awards
- Regulating healthcare professionals – protecting the public
- Disclosing personal demographic data: The public interest
- Academy statement: Overseas development assistance
- Strengthening the role of SAS tutor
- UK Foundation Programme Curriculum 2021
- Academy letter: UK Partnerships for Health Systems Programme
- SAS Workforce: Later careers and retirement
- Near-peer support – Heads of terms
- Near-peer support – Implementation guide
- Near-peer support scheme agreement template
- National Patient Safety Syllabus launched to save lives
- Sir Simon Stevens stepping down from the NHS
- Academy statement: Enhancing UK action and promoting equity of access to global COVID-19 vaccines
- Academy letter: SoS Health and Social Care on workforce planning
- SAS workforce – rhetoric vs reality
- Academy statement: Workforce planning
- Academy response: Inquiry into the DHSC’s White paper on health and social care
- Specialist Grade: Notes on person specification template
- Tenth Anniversary of the Academy SAS Committee
- Guideline for perioperative care for people with diabetes mellitus undergoing elective and emergency surgery
- Academy statement: Myanmar
- Vaccination of Health and Care Staff
- Academy statement: Medical Training Initiative (MTI) placements
- Safe sedation practice for healthcare procedures: An update
- Dr Cliff Mann, OBE
- Joint letter: Release of doctors in postgraduate training for recruitment and assessments
- Supporting doctors throughout the COVID-19 pandemic
- Academy response: Integrating care NHSE/I engagement paper
- Academy statement: COVID-19 Vaccination and second doses
- Academy statement (updated January 2021): Exams
- Academy statement: COVID-19 Vaccines
- The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse
- Wellbeing of the SAS workforce
- SAS doctors / dentists and research
- Joint letter to the professions: Supporting doctors throughout the second COVID-19 wave
- Academy statement: COVID-19 Vaccine
- Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on research and clinical academia
- Doctor who? A report by the changing face of medicine
- Effective patient and public involvement in the work of the medical royal colleges and faculties: A practical guide
- Patient and public committee member role - generic template
- SAS doctor development – Summary of resources and further work
- Academy response: Recognition of professional qualifications and regulations of professions
- Academy briefing statement: Long Covid
- Medical leaders fear the country could go back to square one
- How should we approach health improvement? A seminar with Professor Chris Whitty
- Academy submission: Comprehensive Spending Review
- Academy statement: COVID-19
- SAS doctors and Royal colleges – Opportunities and support
- Junior Doctor Training in the Independent Sector
- Professor Sir Neil Douglas
- Academy response: Announcement of new National Institute for Health Protection
- Access to College education e-portfolios for SAS doctors
- Leadership development for SAS doctors and dentists
- Academy statement: NHS England’s People Plan
- Academy statement: Government proposals to tackle obesity
- Letter from the Chair: Professor Helen Stokes-Lampard
- Letter to The Times: COVID-19 and A&E
- Academy statement: Preparing for COVID-19 surges and winter
- Academy statement: Wearing facemasks
- Academy statement: Climate change
- Academy statement: Primodos, sodium valproate and mesh
- Joint statement: Supporting the workforce
- Academy submission: NHS Health and Social Care Committee
- Academy statement: Gillick competency
- ATDG: Principles for the re-establishment of medical training in the UK
- Academy statement: Race inequality in the NHS
- Reset, restore and recovery: Medical Education and training
- Reset, restore and recovery: Staff support
- Reset, restore and recovery: Equalities
- Health protection – Public and professional responsibilities
- Flexibility in postgraduate training and changing specialties. Transitioning between curricula
- Doctors in training who wish to change specialties – FAQs
- Doctors in training who wish to change specialties. A how-to guide
- Guidance for flexibility in postgraduate training and changing specialties
- Academy, MDTA, NHS Scotland, HEIW, HEE Joint letter: Changes to learning and education
- Academy statement: Disparities in the risk and outcomes of COVID-19
- Developing professional identity in multi-professional teams
- Academy endorses RCPCH statement on schools re-opening
- COVID-19. Effects on health from non-COVID-19 conditions and moving forward to deliver healthcare for all
- Principles for reintroducing healthcare services - COVID-19
- Academy submission: NHS England screening review
- Academy statement: CPR and PPE
- A ‘factors for consideration’ template for doctors’ competency across their whole work scope
- Academy, HEE and NHS Employers Statement: MTI scheme and coronavirus
- Academy, HEE and NHS Employers Statement: MTI scheme and coronavirus: potential applicants and current MTI doctors
- Academy statement: Patients and the public must continue to seek medical help for serious conditions during this COVID-19 pandemic
- Next Academy Chair
- Academy, NHSE&I and PHE letter: Personal Protection Equipment
- Academy statement: Deployment of staff during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Academy statement: COVID-19 and CPD
- Extended position statement: Plans regarding trainee redeployment during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Plans regarding trainee redeployment during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Academy, COPMED & GMC statement: Exams for doctors in training: COVID-19
- ATDG: Update for trainee doctors regarding COVID-19
- Academy response: Budget proposals on pension taxation arrangements
- Letter from the Chief Medical Officers supporting doctors in the event of a COVID-19 epidemic
- The Doctors’ download – exploring doctors’ digital priorities for action
- Guidance for doctors in training regarding ‘acting down’
- Professional Behaviours and Communication Principles for working across Primary and Secondary Care Interfaces
- ATDG statement: Professionalism
- Academy statement: Professionalism
- Academy ethical investment policy
- Academy position statement: Clinical Standards Review
- Professor Kate Tatton-Brown to lead Academy genomics education work
- Autonomous practice of SAS doctors
- Claiming tax relief on Royal College examination fees
- Choosing wisely patient leaflet - BRAN
- General Practitioners: Specialists in general practice
- Academy response: Doctors’ pensions tax issue
- Pensions taxation resources
- Remote prescribing high level principles
- Principles for good practice issued to protect patients online
- Academy statement: 2019 December general election
- The Academy calls for honest and rational debate about the NHS in the run-up to the Election
- Academy letter to the treasurer: Impact of NHS pension taxation on service provision
- Retirement / later career issues for SAS doctors and colleges
- Principles of the implementation of genomic medicine
- SAS doctors in education. Work towards commitment 8
- Academic dishonesty – Guidance for Colleges to help detect and deter dishonesty in summative exams
- Joint letter: Recommendations for an NHS Bill
- Academy response : The Future Doctor – HEE call for evidence
- Academy statement: No Deal Brexit
- Academy response to the Spending Review
- Health and Social Care Committee budget and NHS Long Term Plan inquiry
- Standards and Criteria for CPD Activities – A Framework of Accreditation
- Joint professions statement: NHS Long Term Plan and Interim People Plan
- A practical guide to curriculum development
- Academy statement: HSIB investigation
- Current examples of lay activities in revalidation
- Lay involvement in revalidation – findings from the 2018 survey
- Academy Patient and Lay Committee comment: Lay involvement in revalidation report
- The Doctors’ Download: Crowdsourced campaign launched to understand UK doctors’ digital experiences and insights
- Facilitating reflection – A guide for supervisors
- Academy statement: Fair to refer
- Academy letter: SOS for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs - Attacks on healthcare staff in Sudan
- Developing quality improvement into practice
- Independent Review of gross negligence manslaughter and culpable homicide
- Academy statement: NHS Pension Arrangements
- Academy statement: NHS People plan
- Good work is good for you – conference summary
- Acting as an expert or professional witness – Guidance for healthcare professionals
- Healthcare Professionals’ Consensus Statement: Health and Work
- Health Select Committee Inquiry on NHS legislative proposals - Academy response
- An Alliance Against Bullying, Undermining and Harassment in the NHS
- Academy statement: Principles for workforce strategy
- Academy statement: NHS charges to overseas visitors regulations
- Maximising the potential – supporting SAS doctors
- Academy statement: Genomic medicine in the NHS
- Academy statement: Proposed changes to NHS legislation
- Letter to the Times: Treating the root causes of a ‘dysfunctional’ NHS
- Academy response: Topol Review
- Academy statement: Supporting medical leadership careers
- Academy statement: Review of clinical standards
- Artificial Intelligence in healthcare
- Comment from Professor Carrie MacEwen on launch of Artificial intelligence in Healthcare
- 2021 Specialty Recruitment Update: Release of candidates and doctors in postgraduate training for recruitment and assessments
- Comment from Professor Carrie MacEwen: Launch of NHS England Long Term Plan
- Academy response: The Long Term Plan
- Supporting SAS doctors
- The reflective practitioner – full guidance
- The reflective practitioner – summary
- Please, write to me. Writing outpatient clinic letters to patients. Guidance
- Reflective Practice Toolkit
- Population Health – Briefing
- Supporting information for appraisal and revalidation
- Clinical Guidance: Onward Referral
- Medical careers: A flexible approach in later years
- Adjustment Requests for Examinations
- Improving patient feedback for doctors
- Appraisal and revalidation mythbusters
- The New Care Models Programme and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges
- Lay involvement in revalidation 2017
- Revalidation. What it means for us all
- Return to practice guidance - 2017 revision
- Improving feedback and reflection to improve learning: A practical guide for trainees and trainers
- Nontherapeutic Elective Ventilation: A Discussion Paper
- Involving the Family in Deceased Organ Donation: A Discussion Paper
- Ethical Framework for Donation after Confirmation of Death using Neurological Criteria (DBD)
- Organ Donation from infants with anencephaly
- Quality Improvement – training for better outcomes
- Guidance in Standards for Candidate Feedback
- Guidance for Standard Setting
- Ethical issues in paediatric organ donation: a position paper
- Exercise the miracle cure and the role of the doctor in promoting it
- Requirements for colleges and faculties in relation to examiners and assessors
- Extubation: An application of UKDEC’s generic guidance on Interventions before death to optimise donor organ quality and improve transplant outcomes
- Interventions before death to optimise donor organ quality and improve transplant outcomes: Guidance
- Taking responsibility: Accountable clinicians and informed patients
- Safe sedation practice for healthcare procedures: Standards and guidance
- An ethical framework for controlled donation after circulatory death – full report
- An ethical framework for controlled donation after circulatory death: Executive summary
- Induced abortion and mental health
- Donor recipient research consent
- An Ethical Framework for Controlled Donation after Circulatory Death – Consultation
- Ethical issues in organ donation and transplantation research
- Advice on Supporting Professional Activities in consultant job planning
Annual Reviews
Executive Summaries
Academy Wales Minutes
Publication Categories