Academy statement: Primodos, sodium valproate and mesh
Baroness Cumberlege’s report, ‘First, do no harm’ is shocking and does not make for comfortable reading for the medical profession or the health system as a whole. A system which ‘has failed to listen to their [patients] concerns and when, belatedly, it has decided to act it has too often moved glacially’ is not delivering patient centred care for women. But, the report sends clear and powerful messages for change.
We offer our sympathy to all those who have suffered from these three interventions. Others should not have to face what they have faced in seeking to have their concerns taken seriously.
The Academy Council will give the report full consideration when it meets on July 22nd 2020. We will work with colleges and other stakeholders to ensure that agreed recommendations are implemented as quickly and effectively as possible.
7 July 2020