Trainee doctors
We are continually looking to improve the support given to trainee doctors throughout their postgraduate education. The Academy Trainee Doctors’ Committee (ATDC) takes the lead with this by providing a cohesive and collective trainee doctor view.
The ATDC has over 60 representatives from the medical royal colleges and faculties, all of whom are at different stages of their postgraduate training pathways. These representatives are doctors in training who either chair their own respective trainee group at their college or represent their college’s trainee group. Each college selects its own trainee representatives. The Chair is chosen by way of an election (chosen by the representatives). By working together to identify issues and challenges that affect all trainee doctors and suggesting solutions, the ATDC strive for improvement and change in the NHS across all four countries.
Although the focus is on issues that cross all medical specialities, there are times when the ATDC is also well placed to look at speciality specific issues.