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Sustainability resources

These resources have been collated to signpost sustainability training to healthcare professionals. in particular doctors in training.

Royal College of Anaesthetists
Environmentally sustainable anaesthetic practice e-learning
Sustainability in anaesthesia and critical care: beyond carbon (article)
Atmospheric science, anaesthesia, and the environment
e-Learning for Healthcare
Environmentally Sustainable Healthcare programme
Royal College of Emergency Medicine
Top Ten Tips for Turning Your ED Green
Green ED
Royal College of General Practitioners
Net zero hub. eLearning modules written by GPs
Green Impact for Health toolkit
Planetary Health and Sustainability in WPBA
NHS England
Enhancing Generalist Skills. Development for all health and care staff with environmental sustainability as a core domain
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Climate and health. A free 3-part course
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Climate change – resources for child health professionals
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine
Sustainability in pharmaceutical medicine video
Royal College of Physicians
Green Physician Toolkit
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
10 things a doctor can do to combat climate change ((e-learning open access)
10 things a doctor can do to combat climate change (podcast)
Five COP26 talksCOP26 Legacy Series talks
Sustainability – be lazy to save the planet (30 Oct 2023) Podcast
Climate Change Archive resources
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Climate Change and Sustainability
A sustainable health service (article)
Green Theatre Initiative
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Sustainability resources chosen by the Planetary Health and Sustainability Committee members
Faculty of Public Health
Sustainable Development Special Interest Group
Faculty of Public Health/UCL
Climate and health competencies and learning outcomes
European Climate and Health Responders course (free)
Royal College of Surgeons of England
Sustainability in Surgery
Sustainability resources
Sustainability Webinars
Sustainability in the operating theatre
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
Environmental Sustainability & Surgery
Quick Steps that can improve your Environmental Impact (12 steps to NetZero Surgery)
The Centre for Sustainable Healthcare
Specialty specific online courses
SusQI quality improvement methodology/programme
The Faculty of Sustainable Healthcare
Set up by NHSE – Education North East to increase awareness of sustainability and embed good practice across the region