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SAS representation in education and exams

Clinical Supervision


Educational supervision


Educational supervision training opportunities

Training is provided by local deaneries or postgraduate centres, not by the College.

SAS doctors as examiners

SAS dentists cannot act as examiners but can be involved as question writers.

SAS involvement in Exams

Question writing.

Opportunities in Education

Yes, SAS Dentists can be lecturers and tutors and can have full involvement in FDS Education.

Opportunities in Research

SAS can apply for bursaries/grants offered by FDS.

Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?



Clinical Supervision


Educational supervision

Only to Foundation doctors, SAS doctors and trainee ACPs.
Not to ACCS or HST trainees.

Educational supervision training opportunities

The College provides ACP education supervisor training.

SAS doctors as examiners

SAS Grade examiner at college.
All FRCEM by examination may be examiners.

SAS involvement in Exams


Opportunities in Education


Opportunities in Research

SAS not eligible to apply for Research Fellowships, but eligible to apply for Associate Professor Scheme.

Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?


Clinical Supervision


Educational supervision

Yes – FICM has never tried to define criteria for who can be a supervisor. The GMC has requirements for supervisors to be ‘recognised trainers’ but these requirements do not limit the positions to any job roles. COPMeD’s Gold Guide defines UK-wide arrangements for postgraduate training and defines supervisor roles.

Educational supervision training opportunities

Training is provided by local deaneries or postgraduate centres, not by the Faculty.

SAS doctors as examiners

Yes – suitably qualified/experienced SAS doctors can apply to be examiners in exactly the same way as consultants – this is explicitly stated in the FFICM Examiner Person Specification.

SAS involvement in Exams

Yes, suitably qualified/experienced SAS doctors can apply to be involved in exactly the same way as consultants can.

Opportunities in Education

Faculty Tutors and ICM Regional Advisors: Currently the official Faculty role profile and guidance doesn’t allow SAS doctors to be Faculty Tutors or ICM Regional Advisors. While the Faculty would in no way deny or denigrate the contributions of SAS colleagues, the formal Faculty Tutor role is to oversee the hospital’s delivery of the ICM training programme. The view of the FICM is that this role is best delivered by someone who has completed training and is on the Specialist Register.

Opportunities in Research

There are no official channels for this at the Faculty, but if SAS doctors had expertise in this area and wanted to become involved in research they would be able to do so.

Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?


Clinical Supervision


Educational supervision


Educational supervision training opportunities

Training opportunities available at regional level.

SAS doctors as examiners

Yes – suitably qualified/experienced SAS doctors can apply to be examiners in exactly the same way as consultants.

SAS involvement in Exams

Yes, suitably qualified/experienced SAS doctors can apply to be involved in exactly the same way as consultants can.

Opportunities in Education

SAS/LED Advisory Group has representation on RCOG Professional Development Committee and Education Board.

Opportunities in Research

Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?




Clinical Supervision


Educational supervision

The RCOphth does not determine who is suitable to take the role of educational supervisor, training is provided by local deaneries or postgraduate centres. There may be some educational supervisors who are SAS doctors but we could not identify them from the eportfolio.

Educational supervision training opportunities

Training is provided by local deaneries or postgraduate centres, not by the College.

SAS doctors as examiners

SAS doctors can examine at the Refraction Certificate examinations and mark the Part 1 FRCOphth CRQ marksheets.

SAS involvement in Exams

College has SAS examiners who can contribute to writing exam questions.

Opportunities in Education

The SAS group has representation on the Education Committee and Congress Programme Committee and members of the group run their own education sessions at Congress as well as running RCOphth educational seminars.

Opportunities in Research

Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?


Clinical Supervision


Educational supervision


Educational supervision training opportunities

Yes, SAS doctors are eligible to attend our Effective Educational Supervision (EES) course.

SAS doctors as examiners

SAS doctors are eligible for DCH Clinical Examiners. Applications are welcome from SAS doctors applying to become MRCPCH Clinical examiners provided applicants meet the College requirements.

SAS involvement in Exams


Opportunities in Education

College Tutors: Currently the official College role profile and guidance doesn’t allow SAS doctors to be College Tutors. Unofficially there may be some. The College is looking at changing that policy and proposing a change to the guidance.

Teaching Faculty: There are SAS doctors on the teaching faculty courses.

Careers Advisor and Mentor Roles:  SAS doctors are eligible.

Opportunities in Research

SAS doctors can become PI and CI.

Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?

No, but developing a generic Job description and person specification.


Clinical Supervision


Educational supervision

RCPath supports SAS doctors in these supervision roles according to the experience and competence, in the same way as consultants — this is down to local education providers to make use of SAS doctors where applicable.

Educational supervision training opportunities

Training is provided by local deaneries or postgraduate centres, not by the College.

SAS doctors as examiners

According to the level of experience and qualification, SAS doctors who are Fellows are eligible to be examiners and senior examiners. The job descriptions for examiners are being updated to make this explicit.

SAS involvement in Exams

SAS doctors who have passed FRCPath part 1 are eligible to be exam item writers.

Opportunities in Education


Opportunities in Research

Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?

No but soon will be.


Clinical Supervision

Yes, 2018 survey showed 19% of SAS doctors are clinical supervisors.

Educational supervision

Yes,  2018 survey showed 11% of SAS doctors are educational supervisors. 6% of SAS doctors hold formal academic positions such as clinical lecturers or clinical senior lecturer.

Educational supervision training opportunities

The college offers a PG Cert in Medical Education, a part-time programme delivered jointly with the University of Manchester.  The college promotes GMC guidance which states that recognised or approved trainers may be GPs, consultants or SAS doctors.

SAS doctors as examiners

SAS doctors who are Fellows of the College and have the MRCP diploma can be examiners for the MRCP exam. There are currently very few SAS doctors who fulfil these criteria but some of them have expressed an interest and the College hopes it will have SAS doctors as examiners soon.

SAS involvement in Exams


Opportunities in Education


Opportunities in Research

Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?


*Note – The workforce survey and delivery are exams is a Federated activity run collectively by Edinburgh, Glasgow and London – our answers should be the same.

Clinical Supervision

Yes, 2018 survey showed 19% of SAS doctors are clinical supervisors.

Educational supervision

Yes,  2018 survey showed 11% of SAS doctors are educational supervisors. 6% of SAS doctors hold formal academic positions such as clinical lecturers or clinical senior lecturer.

Educational supervision training opportunities

Yes, the college runs Educational Supervisor Workshop. Of the 303 attendees in 2018, 10 (3%) were SAS doctors. The college offers the MSc in Medical Education, a part-time programme delivered jointly along with University College London. This course is attended by consultants, trainees and SAS doctors. The college promotes GMC guidance which states that recognised or approved trainers may be GPs, consultants or SAS doctors. RCPL Education and learning.

SAS doctors as examiners

SAS doctors who are Fellows of the College and have the MRCP diploma can be examiners for the MRCP exam. There are currently very few SAS doctors who fulfil these criteria but some of them have expressed an interest and the College hopes it will soon have SAS doctors as examiners. SAS doctors are examiners for Physician Associates national OSCE exam.

SAS involvement in Exams


Opportunities in Education


Opportunities in Research

Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?



*Note – The workforce survey and delivery are exams is a Federated activity run collectively by Edinburgh, Glasgow and London – our answers should be the same.

Clinical Supervision

Physicians: Yes, 2018 survey showed 19% of SAS doctors are clinical supervisors.

Surgeons: Yes

Educational supervision

Yes, 2018 survey showed 11% of SAS doctors are educational supervisors. 6% of SAS doctors hold formal academic positions such as clinical lecturers or clinical senior lecturer.

Educational supervision training opportunities

Training provided by local deaneries or postgraduate centres.

The College also offers courses in post-graduate education which can count towards a higher degree linking with the University of Dundee.

SAS doctors as examiners

Physicians: SAS doctors who are Fellows of the College and have the MRCP diploma can be examiners for the MRCP PACES exam.

Surgeons: SAS Grades are eligible to apply for the MRCS question writing panel through the surgical Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Exams (JCIE).

SAS doctors can now serve as MRCS and MRCS (ENT) clinical examiners.

SAS involvement in Exams


Opportunities in Education


Opportunities in Research

The College is developing a research Committee. SAS doctors can apply for Scholarships, some of which are for research.

Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?


*Note – The workforce survey and delivery are exams is Federated activity run collectively by Edinburgh, Glasgow and London – our answers should be the same.

Clinical Supervision

Educational supervision

Yes. Guidance changed but very little implementation on SAS educators so far.

Educational supervision training opportunities

Yes. College runs supervisor course for all grades of doctors. NHSE WTE  supervisor courses are accepted too.

SAS doctors as examiners

Only MRCPsych SAS doctors are allowed to apply.

SAS involvement in Exams

Extremely limited

Opportunities in Education

Very limited.

Opportunities in Research

Very limited.

Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?


Clinical Supervision

Opportunities for SAS doctors to take on clinical supervision roles with respect to radiology and clinical oncology trainees and others are locally driven. This is also addressed in our new SAS strategy.

Educational supervision

Educational supervisors are appointed by training programmes. The RCR has never tried to define criteria for who can be a supervisor. The GMC has requirements for supervisors to be ‘recognised trainers’ but these requirements do not limit the positions to any job roles. The Gold Guide defines UK-wide arrangements for postgraduate training and defines supervisor roles.

Educational supervision training opportunities

SAS doctors can attend supervisory skills workshops organised by RCR.

SAS doctors as examiners

SAS doctors can be examiners if they are Fellows of the College and meet the requirements set out in the role description for examiners.

SAS involvement in Exams

Opportunities in Education

The College is planning to review the eligibility criteria for membership of the RCR Learning and Academic Committees to ensure that these are appropriately inclusive of SAS doctors.

Opportunities in Research

The College has completed a review of all awards and bursaries offered across the RCR to support research and development of professional practice to ensure the inclusion of SAS doctors in the eligibility criteria.

Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?

Not yet, but actively looking at this.


Clinical Supervision


Educational supervision


Educational supervision training opportunities


SAS doctors as examiners


SAS involvement in Exams


Opportunities in Education

Yes, eligible to join education committees.

Opportunities in Research

Yes, eligible to join research committee.

Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?


Clinical Supervision


Educational supervision


Educational supervision training opportunities

Training provided by local deaneries or postgraduate centres, not by the College. The College has set up a Faculty of Surgical Trainers which SAS Grades are welcome to join as Associates.  SAS can apply for full membership or fellowship if they meet the criteria set by the Faculty. Being an SAS grade does not preclude application.

SAS doctors as examiners

SAS Grades are eligible to apply for the MRCS question writing panel through the surgical Joint Committee on Intercollegiate Exams (JCIE).

SAS involvement in Exams

Only through question writing as before.

Opportunities in Education

Opportunities in Research

Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?



Clinical Supervision


Educational supervision


Educational supervision training opportunities

Yes. PG Cert in Surgical education has been introduced by the college that is recognised by all deaneries.

SAS doctors as examiners


SAS involvement in Exams


Opportunities in Education


Opportunities in Research


Does your College/Faculty have SAS AAC assessors?
